How to Publish a Research Paper?
- Education, Research & Positions
Dr AF Saeed
- 24th March 2023
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- 17 minutes read
How to publish a research paper?
Academics place a high value on publishing their findings in peer-reviewed publications. It’s a great way to expand your professional network, get your name out there, and improve the quality of your research and writing. Publishing is not simple, but you may boost your prospects by presenting a technically competent, innovative, concise research article. If you want your research paper to be published in a reputable academic journal and get you the attention you deserve, you should look for a journal that is a good fit for your study subject and writing style.
Publish a research paper
Method 1
Submitting (resubmitting) papers

First, have a classmate or lecturer go through your work. They must edit your work for clarity, conciseness, and language and spelling errors. It’s also important for them to double-check your work. The question posed in a research paper ought to be substantial, specific, and understandable for the intended readers. Trustworthy Resource American Psychological Association Check your work with at least two other individuals. Since not all reviewers are specialists in the subject area, at least one reviewer mustn’t be an expert on the topic discussed in the article.

The second step is to make the suggested changes to the document. If you want to get your research paper just right before turning it in, expect to go through many versions. Make an effort to ensure that your article is easy to read and interesting to the reader. The likelihood of publication will skyrocket as a result of this change.

Step 3: Get your manuscript ready according to the guidelines of your target journal. The research paper must be prepared according to the requirements of the publication. The formatting, typeface, and length requirements for a given publication are usually found in a document labelled “Instructions for Submissions” or “Guidelines for Authors.” Instructions for submitting your work and information about the review procedure are included. The abstract, introduction, methodology, research results, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgements, and references are typical sections in articles published in scientific journals based on research sources. Essay requirements tend to be more relaxed in the arts and humanities.

Step 4: Turn in your document when you’re certain it’s complete. Visit the journal’s website and look for the author’s guidelines (or a similar document) to learn the other party’s submission specifications. Once you’ve double-checked your work and found that it satisfies all the requirements, you may send it in. It’s important to check the submission guidelines for each publication to see if they accept electronic or paper submissions. Use your school’s email address when submitting work online. Your dissertation will gain more influence, and you’ll be able to network with academic institutions.

Step 5: Calm down when you’ve received the first response from the journal. Few initial submissions to peer-reviewed journals are met with an instant “accepted” answer. Do some festive partying if your paper gets approved. If so, take the answers you get in your direction. Accepted with corrections: based on the input given by reviewers, only minor revisions are necessary to be made to work. You should make more major changes (as mentioned above) and resubmit your work if you want the magazine to publish it. The article has been rejected but may be reconsidered when significant improvements are made and submitted. The work has been rejected because it does not meet the criteria for publication in this journal; however, it does not imply it cannot be published in other journals.

Six, take the feedback of reviewers as helpful criticism. Typically, you will get feedback from three or more anonymous reviewers and editors and be requested to make revisions to your article before publication. Think about what they’ve said and adjust accordingly. Take the revised version with a bit of scepticism, not the original. You should instead be adaptable and make changes to the paper depending on the comments you’ve received. Put up the time and effort required to do good research and prepare a solid article. You don’t have to “totally alter” or accept any feedback you deem irrelevant as true. Engage the editor in conversation and calmly but firmly express your opinion. Keep in mind that you are an expert at this.

Seventh, keep plugging away at it until the paper appears in print. If your preferred journal turns down your research article, don’t give up on publishing it. Remember that a rejected article doesn’t always mean it’s terrible. Numerous elements beyond your control go into a publisher’s decision on whether or not to publish your work. Use your second-choice publication to submit your work. You may even consult the initial journal’s editor for advice on finding a better fit.
Method 2
Carefully select an appropriate journal to which to submit your work.

Step 1, learn about all the available journals that might publish your work. Keep up with your area’s most recent developments and studies and the published research before them. Pay close attention to the structure, kind of article (quantitative vs qualitative, preliminary study vs review of existing paper), writing style, subject, and phrasing of previous research articles in your area. Keep up with the latest research on your subject by reading the appropriate academic publications. Try looking for some publications, papers, and conferences online. Inquire about recommended reading lists from teachers and peers.

Step 2, Pick a publication where your research report will be welcome. The target readers and authors for each publication are distinct. Consider if your research work would be better suited for publishing in a broad journal aiming at a larger readership or a more specialized journal directed at fellow academics. Finding the right “fit” is essential; even the most prestigious journal in your area may not be the greatest choice for your work. But don’t kid yourself into thinking your paper has what it takes to be a best-seller either.

Third, consider the journal’s reach. Examine the number of publications that have received significant readership and citation activity in these journals after you have restricted your choices. In the early stages of your profession, it is very important to get your work out there when you are trying to become well-known. Be careful to put peer-reviewed publications first while doing research. The peer reviewers of these publications are academics in the same area as the submitted work, and all reviews are anonymous. This is the minimum requirement for every scholarly publication. Publishing in open-source publications is a great way to reach a wider audience. In this manner, it may be included in the database of scholarly articles that have already been evaluated and are available online for free. Reference Material X
Method 3
Strengthen your submission

One, your article ought to have an obvious point of contention. If the piece is good, it will get to the point quickly and keep going. The paper’s subject should be stated up front so that the reader knows what it is you will be exploring, investigating, or realizing, and then each paragraph should build on what came before. For a definitive statement of your arguments, go straight to the source. One can contrast this article’s weak claim that “this article explores the experiences of George Washington as a young man and how he shaped his views in the difficult circumstances of being a commander” with the article’s strong claim that “this article argues that George Washington, as a young officer whose experiences on the Pennsylvania frontier in the 1750s directly affected his relationship with the Army during the harsh winters of Valley Forge.”

Second, Although concise arguments may sometimes be impressive, scholarly journals are not the best choice for in-depth exploration of broad issues. It’s a common challenge for academics to cut large chunks of text from their work while making revisions, such as the introduction, the literature review, and the methods section. It is particularly true for new academics just getting started in the discipline. The big investigation is best left to experts, even if it is only left to them for 20–30 pages.

3 Write a fantastic abstract. The abstract is the reviewer’s initial impression of your article. Therefore you must make it worth reading. Make sure there are absolutely no misspellings or needless phrases. You may only use roughly 300 words. Be forceful in your remark and creative approach, but don’t over-blow what the article includes. The abstract should grab the reader’s interest enough to have them immediately dive into the piece; nevertheless, it shouldn’t disappoint them. Get as many people as possible to read your abstract and request their opinions before submitting your article.
- Don’t immediately edit the work if the journal’s revision criteria have concerned or disappointed you. To read the paper with “fresh eyes,” give it a break for a few days and then return to it. The comments you get are organized and sorted to help you submit your work where it will be read. This is a major undertaking, and it will take some time to make all the necessary changes.
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