Elsevier Journal Finder: Finding the Right Journal in 2024
- Science
Dr AF Saeed
- 27th February 2023
- 0
- 29 minutes read
Elsevier Journal Finder
In order to find journals interested in publishing your work, you may use this tool to find them. In order to obtain a list of ideas, you must first input the title and an abstract of your article.
Finding the Right Journal for Your Work using Elsevier’s Journal Finder
What is Elsevier Journal Finder?
Why should researchers use Elsevier Journal Finder?
- The Elsevier Journal Finder: A Quick Guide
How to use Elsevier JournalFinder?
- How Journal Finder works?
There are several advantages to the Journal Finder
- If you do now know How it Works, Then Please See the Examples below
- Take-home message
- What is Elsevier Journal Finder?
The choosing of a journal is a significant consideration for researchers. To publish their academic study, what is the ideal publication? Academic publisher, Elsevier’s goal is to make this procedure as easy as possible. A new research tool has been introduced to their lineup: the Elsevier Journal Finder.
- Why should researchers use Elsevier Journal Finder?
Elsevier Journal Finder uses the Elsevier Fingerprint Engine. In order to identify the text, the Fingerprint Engine compiles an index of words with varying weights. Any scientific paper, particularly funding and projects reports, may be included in the script. Your article’s fingerprint is compared to other articles by the Fingerprint Engine. When the Journal Finder identifies an Elsevier journal with a comparable fingerprint to yours, it will recommend it.
Using many thesauri, Elsevier’s Fingerprint Engine is quite successful. It uses thesaurus terms from various fields, including biology, engineering, geology, the humanities, and sociology. The Fingerprint Engine may also employ an institution’s thesauri if desired.
Investigators may easily choose the right publication for their abstract using Elsevier’s Journal Finder, which searches across the company’s more than 2000 titles. Medical Sciences, Biological Sciences, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Sociology are covered by these periodicals/journals. This fingerprint matching technology lets writers publish and submit their works to journals most suited for their research interests and expertise. Scholars must see a decrease in the number of rejections they get, and there is much less time spent on resubmissions when there are fewer rejections.
- The Elsevier Journal Finder: A Quick Guide
Deciding on a journal to read is a simple process. The scholar will enter the title, abstract, and/or keywords on the Journal Finder screen. The selection may be narrowed down by selecting up to three different areas of study. You can also filter the searches to journals that are freely available online. Also, on the results screen, select “Find Journal” to access the search contents.
The best top 10 findings will be shown in this primary research. In addition to the journal’s name and how well its fingerprint matches your paper. The journal’s CiteScore and impact factor are included in the list. Additionally, Elsevier’s Journal Finder provides information on the appropriate standard time and approval rate for acceptance. By using Journal Finder, you may filter the findings of the searches by any of the titles that appear in the results. The range of the journal may be seen from the search results page. The journal’s page or submission portal may also be used.
- How to use Elsevier JournalFinder?
Enter the title and abstract of your article into a search engine to see which journals would be a good fit. In order to find scientific journals that fit your manuscript, JournalFinder employs advanced search technologies and specialized vocabulary.
Your paper should be published in the right journal.
Elsevier® JournalFinder helps you locate journals that could be a good fit for your research. For further information, see the journal’s Aims and Scope. In the end, it’s up to the Editor to determine whether or not your work is a good fit for the journal.
Using the Elsevier Fingerprint EngineTM and field-specific vocabulary, Elsevier JournalFinder matches your paper to Elsevier journals.
To get the best results, all you have to do is enter your title and abstract and pick the relevant topic of study.

- How JournalFinder works?
Data entered by researchers is being processed by Elsevier Journal Finder using new Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology. Using noun phrases, the exploration tool is free of journal size bias and makes use of the Best Matching Algorithm (BM25). This implies that writers may look forward to more accurate suggestions from the system.
- There are several advantages to the Journal Finder
Papers are often rejected since they don’t suit the journal’s focus. Even though the paper is great, it might nevertheless be rejected because of its poor quality. Failure/rejection rates should fall if more writers submit their work to the right publications. Researchers might consider using a technique that assists with publication choosing by comparing an article to journals that have published comparable works.
You don’t have to worry about finding a decent journal for your next manuscript thanks to Elsevier’s journal finder. Researchers may use it to find out what other journals have already published their work. The search results are organized in a way that makes it easy for writers to filter by the headers that are most relevant to their needs. Search results are limited to those from Elsevier journals alone.
- If you do now know How it Works, Then Please See the Examples below
JournalFinder Example in Medicine:

Please see below Elsevier Journal Finder Search Results:

The Journal list goes on
You can also filter your search: see below:

- Take-home message
Nowadays, there are tens of thousands of journals. The decision to choose a journal is, however, a difficult one. The list of possible journals to publish in may be whittled down if one is aware of the journal’s scope. Nevertheless, even if you follow these steps, your academic work may still be turned down. Using Elsevier Journal Finder makes it easier to narrow down your search results. In order to locate the most relevant journals with published papers that are comparable, it uses NLP and algorithms. To assist you in making your final selection, it provides extra information about the journal.
Good Luck!
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