Hope Certificate Format, Sample, Example, Template 2024
Academic Affairs Office/Department,
University/College Name,
Subject: Letter of application for Hope Certificate
It is to certify that Mr/Ms [name] S/O [name] Registration # [number] is a bona fide student of Doctor/Master/Bachelor of Science in [major] at University/College [name]. He/She is currently enrolled in the final semester of Doctor/Master/Bachelor of Science [major] whose [Final Examination/Thesis/Dissertation Defense] will be held in June 2021, His/Her Degree is likely to be completed in July 2021. Based on his/her class/academic/research performance and previous semester results. We hope he/she will pass his [final university exams/graduate] in [good grades/successfully graduate]. I can certify that he/she will prove himself/herself worthy of your expectations.
We wish him/her success in his/her future endeavors.
[Add following line for getting admission in Bachelor/Master/PhD program only]
This hope certificate is completely provisional and is not supposed to be used for getting admission.
Signature [signature here]
Name and Official Seal of Dean/Principal/Director [University/organization name/International Student’s Office/Overseas Education College]
Date: ______________________2