Wang Xuhua’s team at Zhejiang University recruits (associate) researchers, postdoctoral fellows and scientific research assistants

Zhejiang University Wang Xuhua’s team recruits (associate) researchers, postdoctoral fellows and scientific research assistants

Wang Xuhua’s team at the School of Brain Science and Brain Medicine at Zhejiang University is now recruiting (associate) researchers and postdocs, and postdocs in the research group will have the opportunity to study abroad and interact with top researchers at home and abroad. teamwork. Team leader Dr. Wang Xuhua is currently a researcher and doctoral supervisor in the “Hundred Talents Plan” of the School of Brain Science and Brain Medicine at Zhejiang University. He has received national, provincial, and corporate horizontal scientific research funding support. The main research directions of the research group include spinal cord injury repair, artificial spinal cord materials, brain-computer interface technology, AI-assisted drug screening, AI tissue tropism, AAV capsid design, gene and stem cell therapy, gene and drug delivery systems, etc. Dr. Wang has published many scientific research papers in Cell, Neuron, Nature, Nature Communication, the Journal of the American Chemical Society, and Advanced Healthcare Materials.

1. Distinguished (Associate) Researcher
1) Job Requirements
1. Distinguished associate researchers should be no more than 37 years old, and special researchers should be no more than 40 years old;
2. Obtain a doctorate from high-level universities at home and abroad and have postdoctoral work experience (especially outstanding candidates Can be relaxed);
3. Majors in life sciences, medicine, materials science, pharmacy, brain-computer engineering, artificial intelligence, automation, and biopharmaceutical-related fields.
2) Benefits
1. The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University prepared the recruitment position, which has the nature of employment within the reported quota by public institutions;
2. Provide competitive salary (more than 400,000 yuan), scientific research start-up funds and settlement allowance;
3. Priority will be given to candidates with relevant work experience in molecular biology, biopharmaceuticals, neuroscience, polymer materials science, medicinal chemistry, computers, artificial intelligence, mechanical engineering, automation control, and instrument science.
(Can be sent directly to , , ).
The subject of the email and the format of the application materials are “University Doctoral Network + Name + Educational Qualifications + School + Major”
(Pay attention to ensure that the resume will not be returned; please submit the resume according to the above format.)

2. Postdoctoral position benefits and requirements
Salary benefits
1. Salaries and benefits are as follows: Relevant regulations for postdoctoral fellows of Zhejiang University are implemented, with an annual salary of RMB 240,000–360,000*, and additional article awards and year-end rewards will be given depending on performance.
*For graduates with doctoral degrees from the top 100 schools in the world or with particularly outstanding doctorates, the school will provide an annual salary of RMB 360,000 upon approval.
2. The school provides postdoctoral apartments (rental at preferential prices);
3. After 3 years of stay at the station (can be extended for another 3 years if you pass the assessment), you can apply for the associate senior professional title, stay in the school on a selected basis, or be recommended to work in relevant hospitals or enterprises;
4 . Provide good experimental and scientific research conditions for postdocs, as well as opportunities to participate in high-level academic conferences at home and abroad;
5. Can independently conduct research projects and apply for postdoctoral funds and the National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Fund.
Recruitment conditions and requirements
1. Obtain a doctorate within the past three years or obtain a doctorate before joining the job;
2. Have a strong interest in scientific research and have a team spirit;
3. Professional requirements:
3.1 Polymer materials, nanomaterials, medicinal chemistry and chemistry-related majors (artificial spinal cord tissue engineering and drug delivery carrier research direction)
3.2 Neuroscience, molecular biology, medicine and biology-related majors (electrophysiology, nerve regeneration, gene therapy, gene delivery carrier research direction)
3.3 Computer, Artificial Intelligence, mechatronics (mechanical and electronic engineering), biomedical engineering, automation and related majors (brain-computer interface, AI-assisted drug screening, AI tissue tropism, AAV shell design, health significant data research direction) application materials and a resume (Educational experience, work experience, published papers, etc.); , , .
Email subject and application material format: “University Doctoral Network + Name + Education + School + “Professional”
(Be careful to ensure that your resume will not be returned; please submit your resume according to the above format)

3. Scientific research assistant position benefits and requirements
Salary, salary and welfare benefits are in accordance with the relevant regulations of the School of Brain Science and Brain Medicine of Zhejiang University, with an annual salary of 70,000–140,000 yuan RMB, and additional year-end rewards will be given based on performance.
The best will be selected after interviews and assessments, and the treatment will be preferential.
Recruitment conditions and requirements:
A bachelor’s degree or above required;
strong interest in scientific research work, teamwork spirit;
Priority will be given to molecular biology, neuroscience, polymer materials science, medicinal chemistry, computers, artificial intelligence, mechanical engineering, automation control, instrument science, and those with relevant work experience.
Application materials:
a resume (educational experience, work experience, published papers, etc.) (can be sent directly to , , .
The email subject and application material format are “University Doctoral Network + Name + Education + School + Major”
(note to ensure that the resume is not returned, please submit your resume according to the above format)
4. Recruitment Deadline
Valid for a long time

Dr AF Saeed

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