The research group of Fu Fangyu of the School of Science of the Greater Bay Area University (Preparatory) is recruiting postdoctoral fellows/specially appointed researchers 

1. Introduction to the research team
Fu Fangyu, researcher at the School of Science, Greater Bay Area University (Preparatory), independent PI of the research team. Bachelor and Master of Anhui University, PhD of University of Bordeaux, France, pre-appointed assistant professor of Beijing Institute of Technology (postdoctoral dual post). Mainly engaged in the synthesis and performance research of metal nanoclusters. In recent years, he has presided over the National Natural Science Foundation Youth Fund, Postdoctoral Special Funding (pre-station), and published more than 30 papers in mainstream academic journals such as J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., ACS Nano, ACS Catal., Chin. J. Catal., Sci. China Chem.. A single article has been cited more than 300 times, and the total number of citations of the paper has exceeded 1,000 times, with an h-factor of 19. He has served as a reviewer for journals such as Nanoscale and ACS applied materials & interfaces for many times.
2. Recruitment positions
According to the development needs of the research team, 2 postdoctoral fellows and special researchers are recruited.
3. Job Responsibilities
1. According to the specific research direction, complete the scientific research tasks arranged by the research team leader, including cluster preparation, synthesis and characterization, optical property analysis, catalytic performance research, biological applications, etc.;
2. Actively promote the progress of the research project of the research team, publish high-level papers, and apply for relevant patents;
3. Assist the research team in the training of graduate students;
4. Apply for scientific research projects independently or collaboratively;
5. Actively participate in the construction and management of the laboratory of the research team.
4. Qualifications
1. Have or will obtain a doctorate degree in chemistry, materials and other related majors;
2. Have a strong interest in scientific research and have good English literature reading and writing skills;
3. Publish at least 2 high-level research papers in this professional field as the first author, co-first author or corresponding author, and have the ability to carry out scientific research independently;
4. Have good academic ethics and professional ethics, strong communication skills and team spirit, hardworking and honest, motivated and responsible;
5. Those with a background in cluster synthesis and photo/electrocatalysis research are preferred.
V. Remuneration
1. The comprehensive annual salary of postdoctoral fellows in category A shall not be less than 450,000 yuan (including local government funding, the same below), and the comprehensive annual salary of postdoctoral fellows in category B shall not be less than 400,000 yuan. If selected for the Guangdong Province Overseas Postdoctoral Talent Support Project, the comprehensive annual salary shall not be less than 600,000 yuan. The term of employment is 2 years. The comprehensive annual salary of specially appointed researchers in category A shall not be less than 350,000 yuan, and the comprehensive annual salary of specially appointed researchers in category B shall not be less than 300,000 yuan. The term of employment is three years. According to the performance of scientific research work, the research team will provide corresponding scientific research performance rewards.
2. In addition to the comprehensive annual salary, the school pays social insurance and housing provident fund at high standards and issues rental subsidies.
3. Provide the scientific research conditions required for work development and academic exchange opportunities at home and abroad, and Dongguan City will provide academic exchange subsidies.
4. Support the application of Dongguan City’s special talents, and enjoy housing purchase subsidies, rental subsidies, living subsidies, scientific and technological achievements transformation contribution awards, medical insurance, entrepreneurship support, personal income tax preferences for overseas talents, and talent card services.
5. Workplace: Songshan Lake Science City, enjoy paid annual leave, health check-up and campus restaurant and other welfare benefits, the school will assist children to enter kindergarten and school according to local policies.
6. Excellent performance during the employment period will be actively recommended to apply for relevant positions on campus.
VI. Application method
Interested applicants please provide the following application materials:
1. Personal complete resume: including detailed education and work experience since undergraduate, list of academic papers, scientific research projects undertaken (participated), etc., with scanned copies of academic degree certificates;
2. Representative research results: no more than 3 papers, patents, scientific research projects, awards, etc.
The above materials are combined into one PDF file with your name in the file name, and sent to: , with the subject of the email “Postdoctoral or Special Researcher Application”. Recruitment is valid for a long time and will end when the quota is filled.
For more information, please visit the website of the Greater Bay Area University:
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Dr AF Saeed

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