10 PhD Funded Positions-Scholarships in Europe 2024 Apply now-Deadlines are approaching. 1. Munich Center for Machine Learning Doctorate Programme Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München • München Teaching language Full-time / part-time Link for more details: https://www2.daad.de/Read More
Tags :academic research
10 Postdoc Positions, US, UK, Germany, Grab the opportunities 1. Postdoctoral Scholar Lawrence Berkeley National Lab’s (LBNL) Accelerator Technology & Applied Physics (ATAP) Division has an opening for a Postdoctoral Scholar to Read More
Mice Anesthetization Protocols Anesthetizing mice is a common practice in biomedical research for various purposes, including surgery, imaging studies, or the collection of tissues. Several methods are available, including injectable and inhalant anesthetics. 1. Injectable Anesthetics: Read More
SDS-PAGE Gel Preparation 1. Prepare the separation gel (10%). Mix in the following order: H2O 4.1 mL Acrylamide/bis (30% 37.5:1; Bio-Rad) 3.3 mL Tris-HCl (1.5 M, pH 8.8) 2.5 mL SDS, 10% 100 µL N,N,N′,N′-tetramethylethylene-diamine (TEMED) (Bio-Rad) 10 µL Ammonium Read More
Tamoxifen Preparation and Treatment in Mice for Genetic Recombinations Rationale: Tamoxifen is used to kick-start genetic recombinations in genetically engineered mouse models (GEMMs) and to activate genes through a cascade of events. Here is a Read More
DNA Quantification using Qubit Fluorometer The Qubit Fluorometer is a device from Thermo Fisher Scientific used to quantify DNA, RNA, and protein in samples by using a fluorescent dye that binds to these molecules. The Read More
DNA Quantification using Nanodrop spectrophotometer The nanodrop spectrophotometer is commonly used to quantify DNA concentration and assess purity. Here is a basic outline of the process: 1. Calibrate the machine: It’s usually done by using Read More
DNA Extraction Protocol in Detail Here is a widely accepted protocol for the extraction of DNA from cells, especially mammalian cells. This method is called the phenol-chloroform extraction method. Materials 1. Cell culture or tissue sample 2. Read More
RNA Extraction Protocol in Detail Let’s dive into details using a widely accepted protocol based on an RNA extraction kit (which utilizes the organic extraction method with TRIzol, which is a monophasic solution of Read More
Scopus Journal List Introduction Scopus is one of the largest abstract and citation databases of peer-reviewed literature that covers fields like science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and more. It features smart tools for tracking, analyzing, Read More