Professor Hu Zhan’s team at the School of Marine Sciences of Sun Yat-sen University recruits several postdoctoral fellows and doctoral students

College Introduction
Sun Yat-sen University’s marine disciplines started in 1928 with the Xisha expedition, with a long history and profound cultural heritage. The School of Marine Sciences was established in June 2008 and is located on the Tangjia Bay coast of Zhuhai, which has a beautiful environment and rich cultural atmosphere. Focusing on the strategy of “ocean power” and the “Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Construction”, the college has formed characteristics and advantages in physical oceanography, biological oceanography, chemical oceanography, geological oceanography and other disciplines. A talent training system has been established, including an undergraduate major in marine science, a first-level master’s and doctoral program (including international students), and a postdoctoral mobile station. The marine science major has been listed as a strategic emerging industry specialty in Guangdong Province, a key specialty in Guangdong Province, a national professional reform pilot, and a national first-class professional construction site. In 2019, it was approved as a pilot college for the comprehensive reform of “three-dimensional education”, and in 2021, it was approved as a base for the Ministry of Education’s Basic Discipline Outstanding Student Training Program 2.0.
The college currently has national and provincial scientific research platforms such as the National Engineering Research Center for South China Sea Marine Biotechnology, the Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Marine Resources and Coastal Engineering, and the Ministry of Education Field Scientific Observation and Research Station for the Marine Ecological Environment of the Pearl River Estuary. It has been approved to co-build a national key laboratory and is deeply involved in the construction of the Guangdong Provincial Laboratory of Southern Marine Science and Engineering (Zhuhai).
Relying on large-scale marine public platforms such as the “Sun Yat-sen University” marine comprehensive scientific research training ship, the “Sun Yat-sen University Polar” icebreaker, the Sun Yat-sen University “Tianhe-2” supercomputing center, and the “Zhuhai Cloud” intelligent unmanned system mothership, the college has created an excellent software and hardware environment for the development of young talents and provided scholars with a solid platform and resource guarantee to realize their academic ambitions and career dreams.

Team Profile
Tutor: Hu Zhan, see:
Professor, doctoral supervisor, director of the Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Marine Resources and Coastal Engineering. Mainly engaged in coastal dynamic geomorphology research, focusing on the protection functionality and sustainability of coastal ecosystems, presided over 6 national scientific research projects and Guangdong Province Outstanding Youth Project, published a series of papers in high-level journals such as Geophysical Research Letters, Water Resources Research, Nature Communications, and served as editorial board members of many domestic and foreign journals such as Journal of Coastal and Riverine Flood Risk.

Supervisor: Liu Zezheng, see:
Associate Professor, Doctoral Supervisor. Mainly engaged in coastal wetland restoration and ecological function improvement related research, published more than 30 papers in domestic and foreign journals such as Nature Communications, Limnology and Oceanography, Communications Earth & Environment.

Recruitment Quota
2 doctoral students; 1 postdoctoral

Basic requirements
Passionate about scientific research, physically and mentally healthy, willing to communicate and cooperate;
have a master’s/doctoral degree in physical oceanography, coastal dynamics, coastal ecology, environmental science or other related fields;
have strong experimental or programming skills;
those with field survey work experience are preferred, but not required.

Application method
PhD applicants who are interested in joining the research group in the fall of 2025, the application deadline is December 30, 2024.
Postdoctoral applicants who are interested in joining the research group, excellent candidates can apply for the Yixian Postdoctoral Program, until the quota is filled.
PhD/postdoctoral applicants, please send an email to to contact me. Please attach your 1) resume; 2) a brief description of your research interests; 3) the reason for your interest in joining the research group.

Dr AF Saeed

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