Southeast University is recruiting postdoctoral teachers in the field of optics and lasers

Southeast University is recruiting postdoctoral fellows in optics and lasers

Specific work location:
Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province
Annual salary not less than 450,000 yuan


Southeast University is recruiting postdoctoral fellows in optics and lasers

Due to the needs of team development, the research group of the School of Electronic Science and Engineering of Southeast University plans to recruit postdoctoral fellows. The relevant recruitment matters are announced as follows:

1. Team introduction
The team is led by a national outstanding young scientist and is mainly engaged in research on high-end optoelectronic instruments, laser technology, optical imaging, ultrafast optics, etc. According to development needs and relevant school policies, it is planned to recruit several teaching postdoctoral fellows (Zhishan postdoctoral fellows). The salary is generous and the annual income can reach one million. A detailed introduction of the leader is as follows:

2. Application requirements for teaching postdoctoral fellows (Zhishan Postdoctoral Fellows)
1. Have research background in high-end optoelectronic instruments, laser technology, optical imaging, ultrafast optics and other fields;
2. In principle, the age should not exceed 35 years old, and the doctoral degree should be within 5 years;
3. Detailed introduction:

3. Application materials
1. Detailed personal resume;
2. List of published articles, books, authorized patents and project awards.

IV. Treatment of postdoctoral fellows  
1. Annual income of postdoctoral fellows is not less than 450,000 yuan;
2. Jiangsu Province Excellent Postdoctoral Subsidy is 300,000 yuan (Jiangsu supports 900 people each year);
3. Annual income of particularly outstanding postdoctoral fellows can reach 1 million yuan, see the following video (1 hour and 29 minutes in the video):

V. Contact information
Interested parties please submit your resume and other relevant documents via e-mail, and please indicate “Postdoctoral Application + Name + Contact Number” in the e-mail title
(e-mail: and )

We warmly invite outstanding doctors at home and abroad to join the research team!

Dr AF Saeed

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